Monthly Archives: July 2011

2 things

It is TIME, people, to get my core back in shape.  I got an ab video last year and I have loved it.  I got it for 2 reasons – bathing suit season in Florida and because after having my 2nd c-section, my doctor told me I really need to focus on strengthening my core before having #3 … and we were beginning to think about #3.  I’ve always been *skeptical* of ab videos, but this one is GREAT.  When I was consistently doing it last spring & summer, my tummy looked better than ever – which says A LOT for the video since that was after having 2 kids – and also says how I’ve always been a slacker when it comes to doing sit ups consistently.

So anyway, back to thing #1 … I’ve been slack about doing any type of core work post-baby.  I’d do a few exercises here and there, and just stop.  I’ve felt weak (and I have a very flabby tummy right now).  I fell it in my lower back feels it the most.

No more!! I’m committed.  Yes, part of it is vanity and I want a flat stomach. Yet more is health/functionality.  Our baby boy is growing FAST and getting heavy.  My back hurts when I hold him too long.  If I lay on the floor with the kids, my lower back hurts when I stand.

I did 2 of the 10 minute sections of the video yesterday that incorporated squats, push ups, planks and LOTS other core strengthening stuff.  I have felt like jello ever since, which feels amazing! I LOVE that feeling of “the good kind of sore.”

Tomorrow I’ll do more.  Every other day right now.  Until I am strong enough for more :)

I had a realization running this morning.  For the 1st 6 weeks of post-baby running, I felt like I was making progress.  I was feeling better and better. Pace was progressing.  Then something happened.  On vacation, I only ran twice. Now 1 of those runs was 6.2 miles – longest run post-baby – and I felt GREAT.  But then we came home … back to HEAT.  My 1st few runs back I felt awful.  My body is having to re-adapt to heat after only 8 days away. CRAZINESS.  I’ve been frustrated by how crappy I’ve felt while running not that far and not at all that fast.

Back to my realization this morning.  I’ve been aiming to run comfortable.  While running comfortable may be all some people want to do, or may sound like an oxymoron to others, comfortable is not how you get better.

So I am committed to not always running comfortably. To have hard days. And to enjoy the easy days.  To get better.  To get where I want to be.


Filed under core work, hard